ISSA Journal Maggio 2022

ISSA Journal - La rivista mensile riservata ai Soci AIPSI
Gli articoli principali nell'edizione di Maggio 2022:
- Strengthening Cyberwarfare Preparedness, by By Allen Ari Dziwa. This article takes a look at cyberwarfare; definitions, complexities and how we might combat it.
- The Rules Have Now Been Clarified – The Minimum Legal Duties for Directors & Officers Are Both Established and Readily Determined, by Charles Cresson Wood. This article takes a look at some of the legal duties that are defined for directors and officers.
- Python Programming - Numerical Analysis/Machine Learning Series, by Constantinos Doskas. This article is part of a series of articles which deal with topics in programming using the Python programming language. In the previous article we solved basic systems of equations and touched on the basis of Agile Methodology. In this article we are going to introduce scipy, a module which provides algorithms that handle differential equations, statistics, interpolation, and many other types of problems.
Inoltre in questo numero:
- From the President
- Editor's Corner
- The Cryptic Curmudgeon
- Crypto Corner
- Cloud Security Corner
- Open Forum
- Board Spotlight
- Association News