ISSA Journal Settembre 2023

Gli articoli principali nell'edizione di Settembre 2023 del mensile ISSA Journal riservato ai Soci AIPSI (che sono anche Soci ISSA):
- Determining Cyber Materiality in a Post-SEC Cyber Rule World, by Jack Freund and Natalie Jorion. This article outlines the history of what constitutes a material event and its applicability to the cyber world and provides guidance on how firms can assess a material impact suitable for SEC disclosure.
- Python Programming, by Constantinos Doskas – ISSA-NOVA Member – Master in Information Assurance This article is part of a series of articles which deal with topics in programming using the Python programming language. In previous articles we presented Python programs which use the Fourier Transform, linear regression, multi-linear regression, supervised learning algorithm, logistic regression, decision tree, Random Forest, and Ensemble voting algorithms. In this article we will continue with the algorithms which contributed to the development of the AI as we know it today.
Inoltre in questo numero:
- From the President: Happy September Everyone!, by Dr. Shawn P. Murray, International President
- The Cryptic Curmudgeon: Losing Archival Materials, by Robert Slade
- Crypto Corner: The Last Crypto Question, by Luther Martin – ISSA Member, Silicon Valley Chapter
- Women in Cybersecurity: Building a Bridge from Cybersecurity Education to Employment, by Curtis Campbell, ISSA International Board, ISSA Fellow
- From the Cyber Library: Book Reviews, by William J. (Jay) Carson
- Open Forum: DEFEND with PIM (Privileged Identity Management), by Maria Rasner
- Cloud Security Corner: The Impact and Importance of Machine Identities in a Cloud IAM Environment, by Ryan Gifford, CSA Research Analyst
- Association News
- Community Corner
- International Award Winners
- Chapter News