ISSA Journal Novembre 2023

ISSA Journal Novembre 2023

Gli articoli principali nell'edizione di  Novembre 2023 del mensile ISSA Journal riservato ai Soci AIPSI (che sono anche Soci ISSA):

  • Authentication and Authorization in an IoT Based System: A Modern Approach, by Abhishek Bansal. This article looks at the various security issues surrounding IoT.
  • Mobile Application Security: Risk and Remediation, by Prathibha Muraleedhara. This article covers the importance of mobile application security, risk involved and way to remediate the security exploits.
  • Python Programming, by Constantinos Doskas – ISSA-NOVA Member – Master in Information Assurance. This article is part of a series of articles which deal with topics in programming using the Python programming language. In previous articles we presented Python programs which use linear regression, multi-linear regression, supervised learning algorithm, logistic regression, decision tree, random forest, and ensemble voting algorithms. We also discussed bagging, pasting, gradient boosting, and stacking. Last article’s code was related to the bagging algorithm. In this article we will continue with a Python code example of the gradient boosting regression trees (GBRT) algorithm.


Inoltre in questo numero:

  • From the President: Hello, Fellow ISSA Members!, by Dr. Shawn P. Murray, International President
  • The Cryptic Curmudgeon: Why Do People Fall For Grief Scams?, by Robert Slade
  • Crypto Corner: The Defense of Subnet 192, by Luther Martin – ISSA Member, Silicon Valley Chapter
  • From the Cyber Library: Book Reviews, by William J. (Jay) Carson
  • Open Forum: Are We Making the Cybersecurity Deficit Worse?, by Jamal Elmellas, COO at Focus-on-Security
  • Association News
    • News from The Foundation
    • Community Corner
    • Chapter News



AIPSI, Associazione Italiana Professionisti Sicurezza Informatica, e’ il capitolo italiano di ISSA®, un’organizzazione internazionale no-profit di professionisti ed esperti praticanti. Con l’attiva partecipazione dei singoli soci e dei relativi capitoli in tutto il mondo, AIPSI, in qualita’ di capitolo di ISSA, e’ parte della piu’ grande associazione non-profit di professionisti della sicurezza che vanta oltre 13000 a livello mondiale.

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